September 12, 2021 Update:

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Mme A. new breast cancer patient Pointe Sable

Even though we have been focusing on earthquake relief, our breast cancer work continues. We continue to support 19 women in treatment, 1 woman died and one is living her last days at home. Our volunteers are still working with the women and families in their churches. At least 4 new women have been identified in need of further examination for breast issues and one has a confirmed case of breast cancer. Here is the story of the confirmed case.

The patient's name has been changed to protect her privacy

Mme A. from Point Sable on the on the island of Grand Cayemite. She is 51 years old and sells in the market. She has 5 children. She was referred to GAHDA after the earthquake.

She was first identified by the nurse at ESPWA clinic, Vedette Bazile. Vedette was trained in the first group of church volunteers in December 2019. She is a GAHDA Parish Volunteer for Mont Carmel Catholic Church in Pointe Sable. She has a mirror and BP cuff, and is active with breast cancer education in her parish.

Mme A. came to Vedette after discovering a lump in her breast in early March. Vedette referred her to Port au Prince for a mammogram and then sonogram. Mme A. then returned to Pointe Sable because she did not have enough money to stay in Port au Prince for treatment.

Father Bazile is the priest at Mont Carmel Catholic Church. He was in Jérémie after the earthquake and told me about her. We received the documentation from the mammogram and sonogram and have arranged for her treatment at Innovating Health International (IHI) in Port au Prince. Father Bazile will arrange for her transportation to Port au Prince and the GAHDA and the church community will support her children while she is receiving treatment.

Getting to Port au Prince from Pointe Sable is quite a journey, requiring a boat to Petit Trou de Nippe and then a bus.

Pointe Sable experienced extensive damage from the earthquake: 215 houses destroyed, 375 families without a safe place to sleep. Helicopters came to evacuate the injured. GAHDA is now facilitating connections with other organizations to provide medical supplies, food, water and housing.

Mme A.’s house collapsed after the earthquake. She received money to feed her children, blankets and tarps as they are sleeping outside, 2 cases of manna packs (72 packets that feed 4 each), and money for her travel to PAP and taxi to IHI, $75 for a biopsy and our phone numbers. She has a referral letter to Carl, the guide at IHI to get her into the clinic for consultation.

We will keep you posted about her progress in treatment.